Hva er Prosessert- og Ultraprosessert mat?

Hva Prosessert mat er ligger i ordet, nemlig mat som har gjennomgått ulike grader av bearbeiding før den når forbrukeren. Graden prosessering avhenger av behovet for å bevare matsikkerhet og forlenge holdbarheten, men noen ganger mister man det faktiske formålet i forsøket om å lage enklere mat og “prosesserer råvarene ut av varen”. Dette kalles ultraprosessert mat. Men hav skiller “ren”-, prosessert og ultraprosessert mat? Og hvordan kan maten på virke kroppen? Det har Charlotte Salter, overlege i livstidsmedisin hos kry svar på.

Så hva er det?

Som tidliger nevnt er prosessert mat, bearbeidet mat. Det kan være i form av tørking, frysing, til settning av stofer osv.

We start by understanding your unique needs, habits, and preferences.

Your plan is designed to fit you, not the other way around.
We create a plan that’s attainable, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or improved well-being.
Our plans focus on providing your body with essential nutrients.
We equip you with the knowledge and skills for lasting changes in your eating habits.

What to Expect

Your journey with us begins with an in-depth consultation. We’ll discuss your goals, preferences, and any dietary restrictions or medical conditions you may have. Armed with this information, we will create a nutrition plan that is uniquely yours. Here’s what you can expect:

Tailored Meal Plans

You’ll receive customized meal plans that outline what to eat, when to eat, and portion sizes. These plans take the guesswork out of meal prep and make healthy eating convenient.

Ongoing Support

We are with you every step of the way. Regular check-ins and adjustments to your plan ensure that you’re on the right track. Have questions or need guidance? We’re just a message away.


Understanding the “why” behind your nutrition plan is crucial. We provide you with the knowledge and resources to make informed choices about your diet, empowering you to take control of your health.

A Cleanse Doesn’t Have To Be Miserable.

Cookie-cutter diets and generic meal plans often fall short in delivering sustainable results. What sets our Personalized Nutrition Plans apart is our commitment to creating a strategy that aligns with your specific needs and lifestyle.

We start by understanding your unique needs, habits, and preferences.

Your plan is designed to fit you, not the other way around.
We create a plan that’s attainable, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or improved well-being.
Our plans focus on providing your body with essential nutrients.
We equip you with the knowledge and skills for lasting changes in your eating habits.

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